Another well-known psychotherapist, Sigmund Freud, called potential disorders the most common failure in every person's life. What is surprising is that many years have passed since then and this statement is still relevant.
Modern medicine has learned to solve problems related to potency, there are many diagnostic and treatment technologies. But to this day, any difficulty in the intimate sphere for a man is a strong blow to pride and self-confidence.
Causes of reduced potency in men
To dispel a number of myths about this problem, let's first talk a little about statistics.
You know this:
- 20% of men suffer from erectile dysfunction;
- 10% of men refer to a specialist with sexual problems;
- 80% of men note a decrease in potency associated with physiological disorders of the body;
- In 90% of cases, erectile dysfunction can be completely cured.
- Agree, on the one hand - everything is not as scary as it seems, on the other hand - the presence of physiological reasons that cause erectile dysfunction is a good reason to suspect any disease.
- Thus, organic causes of impotence can be the following.
- Vein. Damage to the vascular walls leads to a violation of the blood supply to the penis and, as a result, a decrease in potency. Diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and other diseases cause vascular problems.
- Hormonal. Testosterone deficiency (hypogonadism) is often observed in middle-aged and elderly men. The production of testosterone can also be hindered by an excess of its antagonist prolactin.
- Iatrogenic. Weak potential develops against the background of a person taking drugs prescribed for, for example, stomach ulcers, cardiovascular diseases and gout. Canceling drugs or replacing them with their analogues will help to solve the problem.
- Neurogenic. Erectile dysfunction occurs as a result of previous diseases, strokes, damage to the central nervous system and peripheral nerves. In ¾ of the cases, the causes of reduced potential are spinal cord injuries, ¼ - intervertebral hernia, neoplasms, multiple sclerosis and other diseases. Due to the difficult transition to the cavernous bodies or the complete absence of nerve impulses, the erection weakens.
Lifestyle and potential disorders
Men often forget that sexual power is largely influenced by how a person takes care of himself and his overall health.
It's no secret that smoking and regular alcohol consumption is one of the main reasons for sexual failure. Also, men's health is affected by stress, frequent visits to the bathhouse, and improper diet. Eating an excessive amount of fatty foods (and even in combination with alcohol intake) leads to an increase in male body weight and an increase in the production of female sex hormones. As a result, this lifestyle can lead not only to erectile dysfunction, but also to infertility.
Psychological causes of poor potency
It is worth considering separately the main source of problems with this type of erectile function. Young people suffer more from such disorders, in most cases - those who have just started sexual life.
In this case, the causes of weak potential may be:
- when there is a childhood or adolescent psychological trauma, when parents inspire their child that sex is something shameful, undignified;
- in experiments due to his lack of experience, and therefore in fear of being ridiculed;
- fear of contracting sexually transmitted diseases;
- in fears about the partner's unwanted pregnancy, etc.
According to experts, an adult man with enough sexual experience behind him is able to solve the psychological problems of erectile dysfunction. But young people often cannot do without professional help.
It is interesting that relations with a partner can be both the cause of problems (if they are not close enough) and can be a means of getting rid of impotence (if they are warm, sincere).
Another important fact. If psychological factors can be the cause of poor potency by themselves, then organic erectile dysfunction is always accompanied by a psychogenic component. As a result, after eliminating the main cause of the problems, psychological difficulties come to the fore and interfere with a man's normal sex life.
How to determine the cause of erectile dysfunction
- Urogenital diseases are diagnosed by an andrologist or urologist. You will have to undergo a blood test, sperm and biological smears, and undergo an ultrasound examination.
- Hormonal disorders will be detected by an endocrinologist. The doctor will recommend to undergo an ultrasound examination and computer tomography of the endocrine glands, to give blood for hormones.
- Vascular disorders will be identified by a vascular surgeon. Studies are carried out through Doppler ultrasound and functional tests that show the level of blood supply to the penis.
- A neurologist will help identify diseases of the brain and spinal cord, peripheral nervous system. You will be prescribed electroencephalography, spinal cord and brain tomography, rheoencephalography, electromyography.
- Only a psychotherapist, psychiatrist or sexologist can find the psychological causes of sexual disorders. In this case, diagnostic methods are psychological tests, conversations with the patient.
5 main causes of potency problems: Age has nothing to do with it!
Age, fatigue, lack of sleep, stress. Forget these words! If a man is physically healthy, none of these conditions affect potency and libido.
If you decide to try different erection stimulants (pharmacy and not), don't be too lazy to start understanding what actually causes "mistakes".
Hormonal imbalance or where do men get their female hormones?
What are we talking about?Decreased levels of male hormones and/or increased levels of female hormones.
Who is to blame?Normally, the male body produces a large amount of male hormones and a small amount of female hormones. Alcohol, smoking, improper nutrition, irregular sex life, beriberi, liver disease - all this (and not only! ) sooner or later leads to:
- the production of male sex hormones decreases,
- while women's production may increase on the contrary.
Of course, this is not good.
What to do?
- Pass special tests. Find out exactly which hormones are missing and which are "going wild".
- Define the scope of the problem.
- Replenish your body with the missing hormones.
- Stop the production of excessive amounts of female hormones.
- Restore the body's ability to produce hormones in the right amount (not too much and not too little).
What tests should be done?Donating biomaterials for everything is an unpleasant and expensive business. Ask a urologist. He will conduct an examination, analyze your complaints and tell you what tests you will undergo.
Then he will choose the hormone-containing preparations that are suitable for you. Or he will prescribe a treatment so that the body "remembers" how much hormone it needs to produce.
What is the prognosis?With a correctly selected course of treatment and the implementation of the doctor's recommendations, the prognosis is positive - the potential, as a rule, is restored. Any age.
Infections of various origins
What are we talking about?Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or "dormant" infections in the body that awaken under certain conditions.
Who is to blame?Infections and harmful bacteria can occur mainly for two reasons:
- Suspicious "connections" without means of protection.
- Proliferation of micro-organisms that constantly live in small quantities inside any person. Typically, such microorganisms wake up in diseases of internal organs, when the immune system is weakened.
What to do?Both need to be identified and destroyed. The sooner the better.
What tests do you need to pass?There are many types of infectious diseases. Conducting tests of all types is a waste of time and money. Visit a urologist, list all your symptoms, talk in detail about your feelings while urinating, during or after sex, undergo an examination and an ultrasound.
An experienced urologist will collect all this information and compile a list of necessary laboratory tests. Then, based on their results, he will make a diagnosis and prescribe medications and procedures.
What is the prognosis?Today, the vast majority of infectious lesions are perfectly treatable.
Inflammation: From Pain to Impotence - 1 Step!
What are we talking about?Prostatitis, epididymitis, urethritis, vesiculitis, cystitis and others - all, as you mentioned, with the suffix "-IT". Conditions that bring men suffering from pain, cramps, burning, high fever and other unpleasant sensations.
These sensations can occur during or after urination, during or during sexual intercourse, while walking, lifting weights, or even while resting.
Who is to blame?Most of the time, the person himself is to blame. Hypothermia and vice versa, overheating, ignoring the first signs of diseases (not only urological, the cause of inflammation can even be untreated dental caries), unhealthy habits, casual relationships, infections, attempts to self-medicate, uncontrolled intake of antibiotics, etc. . drugs.
All this accumulates gradually - until the formation of an inflammatory focus in one of the organs.
What to do?Diagnose and treat. The sooner, the less damage will be done to the body. Inflammation does not only cause problems with potency - it can cause infertility. The ideal option is to have time to recover in the acute phase. But this is not always the case - often people go to the doctor with a chronic form.
What is the prognosis?Acute inflammation can be treated fairly quickly. If you take care of yourself and do not neglect the doctor's recommendations, relapses (repeated exacerbations) cannot occur.
Chronic inflammation is also treated. But the treatment takes a little longer. And there is a high probability of re-exacerbation due to a cold or stress.
Vascular problems: no blood - no erection!

What are we talking about?Partial or complete blockage of the arteries of the penis due to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
What is happening?A normal erection requires rapid blood flow to the penis. If there are atherosclerotic plaques or blood clots in the veins, blood flow slows down and potency deteriorates. Complete blockage of the veins leads to absolute impotence.
Who is to blame?Wrong diet, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, too frequent or, on the contrary, too rare sexual intercourse, diseases of the cardiovascular system, pressure increases, etc.
What to do?Look for the reason. Together with a urologist. Usually, special hardware studies are carried out for this:
- Dopplerography of veins
- Erectile function test
- Biothesiometry
What is the prognosis?Depending on the condition of your veins, either they should be freed from atherosclerotic plaques or new veins should be grown. The doctor will determine which method is more suitable in your case.
Complex hardware treatment is necessary - vacuum LOD therapy, shock wave therapy, magneto-laser therapy. A good effect is obtained when these methods are combined with PRP therapy and intravenous injection.
The first positive results are visible almost immediately. It is important not to stop at this stage, otherwise everything will return to normal very quickly. Do not be lazy, complete the course of treatment to strengthen its long-term effect.
Diseases of the lumbar-sacral spine

What are we talking about?Diseases of the spine in the lumbar and / or sacral regions directly affect the health of the pelvic organs in men.
What is happening?Due to osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, displacement of vertebrae, blood circulation is disturbed, nerve endings may be disturbed. This causes pain and numbness. And as a result - a violation of potential.
What to do?Take a joint course of treatment with a urologist and a neurologist - here you need drugs, massage, acupuncture, specially designed exercises and physiotherapy (magnet, UVT, laser). Such therapy quickly relieves pain, helps restore normal urination, improves blood circulation and restores lost sensitivity.
What is the prognosis?If you haven't gotten yourself to the point where you need spine surgery, then the prognosis is very favorable. With the simultaneous treatment of a neurologist and a urologist, a fairly quick recovery and restoration of potential is possible.
If you have undergone spine surgery, recovery will be longer and more complicated. Do not bring to surgery - see a doctor in time!
Examination by a urologist for potency-related problems
Initial reception of urologist-andrologist
- Examination
- ultrasound of the prostate gland
- bladder ultrasound
- Doppler imaging of blood vessels - for potential problems
- Erectile function test - for potential problems
- Biothesiometry - for potential and premature ejaculation problems
- Doctor's consultation, assessment of examination results
Erectile dysfunction: types, causes and treatment methods
Men of any nationality, regardless of where they live or age, are concerned about problems related to their genitals. They are especially afraid when the erect penis is not hard enough, it cannot be "worked" and sexual intercourse is impossible. This disorder is called erectile dysfunction or impotence.

It should be noted that almost all representatives of the strong half of humanity over the age of 20 face poor quality erection. However, the presence of this sexual dysfunction can be assumed only when 25% of cases of intimate communication are defective (every fourth sexual intercourse occurs with "misfire").
Erectile dysfunction becomes a real tragedy for a man, he suffers from it physically and psychologically, so it should be treated immediately.
Characteristics and symptoms of impotence
Symptoms of erectile dysfunction include:
- lack of sexual desire. Reluctance to intimacy, i. e. , a violation of libido, a decrease in testosterone (male hormone) production, depression due to stress, frequent fatigue, bad condition after an argument with a sexual partner occurs;
- slow erection, the result of vascular diseases, etc. ;
- lack of ejaculation due to psychological factors;
- anorgasmia - lack of orgasm, as a rule, is also related to psychology.
Types of the disease are determined by its causes:
- organic - autoimmune diseases, hypertension, diabetes and a number of other serious diseases;
- psychogenic - problems with a partner, excessive tension, stress;
- mixed.
According to statistics, almost 80% of erectile dysfunction cases are associated with organic problems.
Each of the above types has its own characteristics. Psychological impotence appears suddenly, immediately, but the morning erection remains at the required level and the excitement of the penis continues during intercourse.
Organic erectile dysfunction manifests itself gradually. There is a sexual desire, an orgasm occurs, but the penis loses its hardness in the process of intimacy. Every day the erection weakens. This indicates the presence of a disease.
Due to the mixed nature of the disorder, the above two factors appear simultaneously for appropriate reasons.
Causes of impotence
It is advisable to list the most common causes of this disorder of male sexual function:
- Taking drugs or certain other substances. We are talking about testosterone, antidepressants, antiallergens, etc. , which reduce the activity of the cerebral cortex. it is about the use of drugs that reduce its production. This includes alcohol and drugs.
- Psychological factors are standard - depression, constant stress, severe neurosis. Addiction and inconsistency in desires or a bad relationship with a partner, fear of failure in sex, banal fatigue at work. A lot depends on the partner - his excessive persistence or the "wrong" word can contribute to the weakening of the erection.
- Various neurological diseases, circulatory disorders, damage to the penis, pelvis or perineum, etc.
- Abnormal functionality of the endocrine system involves disruption of male hormone production caused by genetic failures, tumors, infections, and aging. Obesity also changes the hormonal background, and since this problem now also affects the young representatives of the strong half of humanity, doctors are worried that impotence is increasingly being diagnosed in this part of the population.
In addition to the above, epilepsy, penile trauma and vascular sclerosis can contribute to the onset of impotence. The latter disrupts the blood flow to the genitals through the vessels necessary for erection, so it is either weak or completely absent. In addition, vascular problems cause the penis to become rapidly aroused, but quickly disappear, and sexual intercourse cannot be completed normally.
Blood vessel problems are generally dangerous for the male population of the Earth. Damage to their inner lining is common in people suffering from autoimmune diseases, as well as in heavy smokers. There is also a disease called penile angiospasm, characterized by impaired blood circulation in the penile vessels.
Be careful in manhood
Impotence is sometimes caused by congenital anomalies of the genital organ. Peyronie's disease is rare - the opening of the urethra is located incorrectly.
Another natural defect is a defect in the frenulum, a longitudinal fold of skin. It is located between the head of the penis and the foreskin and has the following purpose: open the head when excited, adjust its tilt and prevent it from moving. If the frenulum is short, the man will feel pain during intercourse, and a spot may even appear.

In addition, such a defect causes premature ejaculation, so the man gets used to holding himself back to prolong it during intercourse. As a result, it is full of erectile dysfunction in a stable form. With surgical excision of the frenulum, everything can be fixed very quickly and easily. The operation is simple, takes little time and is well applied.
Separately, it is necessary to talk about injuries to the genital organ (bruises, burns, gunshot and knife wounds, accidents) that cause impotence. If you take them, you should immediately consult a doctor for help, and the sooner this is done, the more likely it is to avoid completely irreversible erectile dysfunction.
- fracture of the penis during rough contact, impact or bending. For potency, there is a dangerous rupture of the cavernous organs, there is severe pain, hematoma, the organ swells. Depending on the severity of the condition, compresses or surgery may be prescribed as treatment;
- fall, sports, combat injury. Such a closed injury violates the urethra, manifests itself with hematoma, pain when walking. Treatment - non-steroidal analgesics, compresses, rarely - surgery;
- burns from chemicals, hot water, ultraviolet rays;
- subcutaneous bleeding, swelling occurs, where blood vessels are damaged. This is dangerous, because during healing, wounds may appear that can block blood flow, without which an erection is impossible. A cold compress may help.
Impotence can be caused by a combination of anatomical and psychological factors: after the injury, a person has sexual intercourse and experiences very severe pain. In the future, at the subconscious level, sooner or later, he will be afraid to have sex, which generally leads to impossibility of erection.
Hypothetically dangerous and some operations. So, the famous composer, the author of the world-famous musicals "Cats" and "Phantom of the Opera", Andrew Lloyd Webber openly declared: he is impotent, and it became so after the operation - the tumor of the prostate gland was removed. Such a surgical intervention can really cause impotence, but in this case, doctors save a person's life. However, if you are regularly examined by a urologist, then prostate cancer or adenoma can be detected at an early stage and timely treatment can be started. Then there will be no need for such an operation that causes the loss of sexual function.
Any modern person, from young to old, inevitably experiences stress in their life cycle. Some have bad habits, eat poorly and are inactive due to the nature of work. All this leads to deterioration of health, including in the sexual area. Modesty does not allow a man to go to the doctor and admit his weakness, but this is a wrong idea.
In any case, regardless of the causes and manifestations of erectile dysfunction, you should immediately contact a specialist. Currently, sexologists can help in the fight against various cases of impotence, because they have a large arsenal of tools for this.
Warning: self-medication for this sexual disorder is dangerous, because pills and devices that support erection, which are advertised everywhere, help for a while and can even cause harm. Their use will lead to a loss of valuable time, during which the problem will worsen.

It should be noted that very rarely the treatment is the use of a single method that eliminates the pathological factor. As a rule, an integrated approach is more effective, especially if the situation (and this often happens) is neglected. This method of fighting erectile dysfunction quickly restores sexual function by eliminating the factors that cause the disorder and helps the patient to overcome the uncertainty that arises when impotence occurs.
Of course, erectile dysfunction is not a fatal problem, but because of it, a person's quality of life decreases, health and mood deteriorate, and families break up. Therefore, it is important to get rid of it.
Impotence has long ceased to be a phrase. If a man has the first signs, symptoms, he should only seek help from a urologist. Early impotence most often develops against the background of inflammatory processes, STDs - their treatment has long been fast and successful with timely referral to specialists.